
The power of the negative

Here is anothe insight from Daniel Kahneman’s book “Thinking Fast and Slow” on how we are hardwired to respond more strongly to threats versus opportunities. As to why a single strawberry can’t have the same affect as a single cockroach. Read on to find out why!

Is branding really evil?

Did a candy brand really target babies in the womb to market their product? Did a mall really use sonic branding to target pregnant women and drive the loyalty of their children for generations to come? Are hand gels and sanitizers selling nothing more than paranoia? Read this post to find out…

Challenges of Building a Telecom Brand

At a communication level the role of branding is to bring the brand promise to life through creativity, at a business however the goal is to bring the brand promise to life at every touch point the brand owns and this takes the challenge to a whole new level. Read more about some of the challenges I experienced first hand…

Mobile Technology and it’s Impact on Human Behavior

This post was inspired by my keynote at Digit 2.0 – a Digital Marketing Conference hosted by PAS in October of this year. Based on a mobile trends report I did for a telecom consultancy I covered three insights as to how mobile technology has impacted human behavior. The terms used are ones I have coined myself to capture the concept of what I am trying to say. They are instaniety, indigivuality and techpowered.

Are you out of your mind?

This is a blog post inspired by Daniel Kahneman’s book “Thinking Fast and Slow” on how we really can’t learn much from the past when it comes to predicting the future, and that most business and economic success comes down to a simple surprising fact! Get ready to be shocked…