
The Art of Influencing People!

For a topic like influence you expect pointers on to how to charm your way through an audience or how to craft the perfect pitch or be bold and revolutionary in your thinking and approach? Wrong! This post is about how to win with your B-game, earn your way up and just follow the status quo! Not what you expected? Read on to find out more.

Inverting the Leadership Paradigm

Leadership is about power and privilege. Or is it? Does being a leader really mean entitlement to luxury as a necessary perk of the job regardless of the circumstances of the people one is leading? I don’t think so. Here is an alternative perspective inspired by one of the greatest leaders in history.

Be a troublemaker!

Are you trying to change the game? Then don’t be a problem solver. Be a problem creator. Read on to find out why!

Organizations in Freefall…

Organizations spin out of control all the time. Most continue to nosedive to a permanent doom. But some dramatically turnaround. Here are some lessons from Apple on the most remarkable turnaround in the history of business inspired by the book “Becoming Steve Jobs.”

Inspiring Forward Motion

How do you move someone? Like really move someone. If you are in a position of authority you have vested power to move people. To a certain extent you can wield force to get things done your way. Is that really power? I believe otherwise!