Have you ever wondered where the idea of the Elevator Pitch comes from? Let me take you back in time to 1853, when a man named Elisha Otis gave the world its first-ever elevator pitch. Back then, elevators were more like coffins on a pulley – if the rope snapped, the platform would collapse, leading to a tragic end for its occupants.
Elisha Otis found a way around this problem, but simply talking about his contraption or showing a fancy architectural drawing wouldn’t have sufficed. So, he rented one of New York City’s most prominent city halls and set up an elaborate live demo. One fateful afternoon, he ascended the platform, let it rise to the top of the hall’s high ceilings, and then dramatically chopped the rope with an axe.
A shocked audience gasped as Otis and the platform began to fall. But, in a thrilling twist, the brake mechanism kicked in, suspending the platform in mid-air. The elevator pitch was born. For decades, this 30-second pitch became the go-to method for anyone trying to pitch an idea to a busy executive or CEO.
But times have changed. The dynamics that once demanded an elevator pitch have evolved. CEOs are more accessible than ever, and it’s easier to reach influential people through social networks and other communication channels. However, with information overload, their attention is more stretched than in the past.
Here are some modern alternatives to the traditional elevator pitch:
The One-Word Pitch
Embrace the power of simplicity. Choose one word that embodies your idea or concept. This discipline forces you to be crystal clear about what you’re pitching. For example, if Toyota is “reliability,” and BMW is “engineering,” then what word represents your brand or idea? This can be an effective rallying call that cuts through the noise.
Ask a Question
Instead of making a statement, try rephrasing your idea as a question. This engages your audience and encourages them to think and form an opinion. Asking a question evokes a response, whereas a statement might not necessarily have the same effect.
The Storytelling Pitch
Engage your audience by sharing a compelling story that illustrates the problem you’re solving or the need you’re addressing. This approach creates an emotional connection with your audience and makes your pitch stand out.
In conclusion, the elevator pitch may have its roots in the 1850s, but the way we pitch ideas today has evolved. With modern alternatives like the one-word pitch, asking questions and storytelling, you can find new ways to grab the attention of your target audience in a world full of distractions.