
Is branding really evil?

Did a candy brand really target babies in the womb to market their product? Did a mall really use sonic branding to target pregnant women and drive the loyalty of their children for generations to come? Are hand gels and sanitizers selling nothing more than paranoia? Read this post to find out…

Is branding really evil? Read More »

Magnum takes you on a Pleasure Hunt!

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” Arthur C. Clarke, “Profiles of The Future”, 1961 This is probably the best way to describe Magnum’s Pleasure Hunt – an interactive experience that has been created to launch a new flavor for their ‘Temptation’ range. Like all good ideas, unconnected elements have been brought together to create

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Doritos – Cash the Super Bowl!

How do they do it! It’s simply amazing what Doritos did for the Super Bowl 2010. 116.2 million viewers watched the Doritos – Snack Attack Samurai spot, making it the most watched television commercial of all time!* WOW! The brilliant thing about this all is that everything is user generated! That’s right! Doritos simply created a

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