
Power of Analogy

How do you tell a vanilla story in a way that is fresh and surprising? Use an analogy. Their power is undeniable. From the oldest religious texts to modern day pep talk analogies are a great way to make a point. Advertising is all about making a point and in most cases than some, the […]

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iPhone 5 and beyond!

For those 500 million smartphone users worldwide, the concept of what one can do from a phone has far evolved. Nokia – the giant that put a mobile phone in the hands of the masses gave us the Nokia Communicator. A phone which felt like a mini-computer. Then Blackberry with it’s Messenger and Push E-mail

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The Game is Changing!

“Because life is not a spectator sport” – a tagline for Reebok in the 1980s is the mantra for brand building in the 21st century. Brands cannot expect consumers to be static spectators to their messages. Participation is becoming second nature in everything we are doing. Even the way we watch sports has changed. For

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